Saturday, December 7, 2019

Multi-Core Processors or Multi-Core Cpus

Question: Discuss about the Multi-Core Processors or Multi-Core Cpus ? Answer: Evaluation of Processors Multi-Core Processors Or Multi-Core Cpus are presently considered as the standard for the present era of computing. As the multi-core processors currently available in the market utilize a variety of architecture and claim to deliver several levels of performance, it has become essential to test them against certain benchmarks in order to make sure that performances of these processors are aligned with the specification being expected (, 2016). In this paper, a discussion has been provided on the benchmark standards that are currently being used by the industry to analysis the performance of multi-core central processing units. The discussed benchmarks have then been utilized to compare the performance of two INTEL-made processors, namely the Nehalem-EP and the Westmere-EP, that are currently being used in the CERN facility (, 2016). In general, multi-core processors currently being used at the CERN facility have been designed for supporting a wide range of applications, like that of the virtualization, embedded systems and so on and so forth (, 2016). Thus, the benchmarks used for testing such processors emphasize on the concept of concurrency while utilizing the perspective of parallelism: the measure being represented in terms of throughput of workload and data. The following benchmark is generally used for such purpose: SPEC CPU 2006: This benchmark has been designed for providing such performance measurements which can be utilized while comparing the computing workload of different computing devices (, 2016). The SPEC CPU 2006 actually consists of two benchmark suits: the CINT 2006 and the CFP 2006.The CINT 2006 is utilized for measuring the performance of computing devices based on their capability of conducting computation of integers (, 2016). On the other hand, the CFP 2006 is utilized for measuring the performance of floating point calculations. Intel utilizes a variant of SPEC2006, formally known as the HEPSPEC06 for the benchmarking purpose (, 2016). The application of the above mentioned benchmark on the said processor yields the following results: Figure 1: HEPSPEC06 performance comparison between the Westmere-Ep and the Nehalem-EP (Source:, 2016) As shown in the graph above, the two systems, while running at the same frequency, provide the performance while utilizing up to 8 CPUs. This is because both the processors have the physical core essential for running the test workload (, 2016). The SMT (Surface Mount Technology) advantages of the said processors have also been compared, then results of which have been provided in the following section. The measurements that have been utilized for the purpose of comparison are: 1. SMT-off: Measuring the standard power without the SMT. The HEPSPEC06 measurements have been taken for 12 CPUs. 2. SMT-on: The standard power has been measured with the SMT. Besides this, the HEPSPEC06 measurements have been taken for 24 CPUs. It has been observed by the researchers of the CERN facility that the efficiency of the Westmere-Ep is almost 10 % more efficient than that of the Nehalem-EP (, 2016). The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments being conducted at the CERN facility require highend applications for the purpose of data analysis. In order to compare the efficiency of the said processor, the expert team conducting this particular research, made one such application, run on both of the processors (, 2016). The execution time for the computational work, as observed during the experiment, has been demonstrated below: Figure 2: Comparison between the execution time of the Westmere-Ep and the Nehalem-EP (Source:, 2016) Thus, it is evident from the discussions made in the report that the Westmere-Ep is more efficient than that of the Nehalem-EP. References,. (2016). Retrieved 2 January 2016, from,. (2016). PassMark Software - CPU Benchmark Charts. Retrieved 2 January 2016, from, D. (2016). Multicore Processor Performance Analysis - A Survey. Retrieved 2 January 2016, from,. (2016). Retrieved 2 January 2016, from,. (2016). Retrieved 2 January 2016, from,. (2016). SPEC Benchmarks. Retrieved 2 January 2016, from

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