Monday, December 23, 2019

Ancient Rome The Ruins Of A Unique Civilization

Ancient Rome Set atop seven mighty hills stands the ruins of a unique civilization. A powerful empire that grew from the fertile fields, and pleasant weather of the Italian Peninsula resided on this land. Ancient Rome was truly one of the most powerful and significant civilizations from history. Known to be found by the myth of Romulus and Remus, Rome offered many advancements (or wonders) to the modern world, such as the famous style of government -the republic- or the infamous architecture of the Colosseum. Not only did the Romans provide us with their interesting lifestyle, but now we know Ancient Rome’s geography, politics, economics, religion, social structure, and a notable conflict. Geography Ancient Rome was located on the fertile land of the Italian Peninsula. With the Tyrrhenian Sea, to its west and the Mediterranean Sea to its south, Rome was surrounded with water. Rome itself was built strategically on seven hills, (Viminal, Quirinal, Palatine, Esquiline, Capitoline, Caelian, and Aventine) allowing advantages during war and battle. Rich soil adorned the terrain while marsh and volcanic land were common characteristics of ancient Rome’s land. The Apennines Mountains ran through the more eastern land of Rome and the Tiber River (very close by) provided the Romans with fresh water. All farms were located at the bases of the hills, with the Roman community thriving on the top. Some popular crops grown in Rome, were grains, (more specifically wheat) grapes,Show MoreRelatedComparison Between Greece And Greece1376 Words   |  6 PagesWhen comparing Rome and Greece side by side, the two could easily be described as two sides of the same coin. Each heavi ly influenced the other, cultures mingled and ideas were shared. Greece and Rome in a sense were sister, but not twins. 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As this poem is entirely dedicated to the mighty ocean, the main subject of this work is about man versus nature. George Byron also discusses his views about the industrialization; throughout the poem, he hints on the deleterious effects of hu man exploitations. Therefore, the poem, â€Å"Apostrophe to the OceanRead Moreï  ¶ HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF MODES OF CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS OF THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE: o BABYLONIANS o GREEKS o ASSYRIANS o EGYPTIANS o ROMANS3686 Words   |  15 PagesENVELOPE TO ACHIEVE INTERNAL COMFORT. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY. APRIL, 2012. CONSTRUCTION IN ANCIENT BABYLON. ZIGGURAT OF UR, BABYLON. The earliest large-scale buildings for which evidence survives have been found in ancient Mesopotamia. 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Based on archaeological evidence, Tlachtli (which translates in English to â€Å"ball game†) is thought to have been played by the civilizations of Mesoamerica including the Aztec, Maya, Olmec, and Toltec. The game was more than a sport to these people. It was a means of settling conflicts and maintaining social harmony, it was a very important part in the ritualistic lives of those cultures

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Questionner on Recruitment and Selection Process Free Essays

Questionnaire Name: Gender: M/F Occupation: Contact number: 1. Does the organization clearly define the position, objectives, requirements and candidate specification in the recruitment process? oYes oNo 2. Which source is used by Zydus to hire new employees? oInternal oExternal oBoth 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Questionner on Recruitment and Selection Process or any similar topic only for you Order Now If internal, how they got their current position? oPromotion oTransfer oUp gradation oRetired employees 4. If external than which sources used by Zydus? oCampus interview oEmployees referrals oConsultant oAdvertisement oWalk ins oWebsite 5. Which type of interview method does company usually follow? Structured Interview oUnstructured Interview 6. What is the focus of interview? oPersonality oIntellectual ability oQualification oTechnical proficiencies oKnowledge oExperience 7. Treatment given to you when you came for interview at Zydus oVery satisfied oSatisfied oAverage oDissatisfied oVery dissatisfied 8. How well were the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection process? oExcellent oAdequate oPoor 9. Where you provided appointment letter on the 1st day of the joining? oYes oNo 10. Was orientation/induction program provided to you? oYes oNo 11. Has your induction program helped you to understand your job, responsibilities, and performance standard? oYes oNo oNot Applicable 12. What type of induction training would you prefer? oOn job oOff job 13. How Induction is conducted? oBy Presentation oBy Premises oBy providing Manuals oAll Above 14. Explanation of norms, values and department policies and procedures oVery satisfied oSatisfied oAverage oDissatisfied 15. After recruitment and selection process have you under gone the period of probation? oYes oNo 16. How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection? oExcellent oGood oPoor How to cite Questionner on Recruitment and Selection Process, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Multi-Core Processors or Multi-Core Cpus

Question: Discuss about the Multi-Core Processors or Multi-Core Cpus ? Answer: Evaluation of Processors Multi-Core Processors Or Multi-Core Cpus are presently considered as the standard for the present era of computing. As the multi-core processors currently available in the market utilize a variety of architecture and claim to deliver several levels of performance, it has become essential to test them against certain benchmarks in order to make sure that performances of these processors are aligned with the specification being expected (, 2016). In this paper, a discussion has been provided on the benchmark standards that are currently being used by the industry to analysis the performance of multi-core central processing units. The discussed benchmarks have then been utilized to compare the performance of two INTEL-made processors, namely the Nehalem-EP and the Westmere-EP, that are currently being used in the CERN facility (, 2016). In general, multi-core processors currently being used at the CERN facility have been designed for supporting a wide range of applications, like that of the virtualization, embedded systems and so on and so forth (, 2016). Thus, the benchmarks used for testing such processors emphasize on the concept of concurrency while utilizing the perspective of parallelism: the measure being represented in terms of throughput of workload and data. The following benchmark is generally used for such purpose: SPEC CPU 2006: This benchmark has been designed for providing such performance measurements which can be utilized while comparing the computing workload of different computing devices (, 2016). The SPEC CPU 2006 actually consists of two benchmark suits: the CINT 2006 and the CFP 2006.The CINT 2006 is utilized for measuring the performance of computing devices based on their capability of conducting computation of integers (, 2016). On the other hand, the CFP 2006 is utilized for measuring the performance of floating point calculations. Intel utilizes a variant of SPEC2006, formally known as the HEPSPEC06 for the benchmarking purpose (, 2016). The application of the above mentioned benchmark on the said processor yields the following results: Figure 1: HEPSPEC06 performance comparison between the Westmere-Ep and the Nehalem-EP (Source:, 2016) As shown in the graph above, the two systems, while running at the same frequency, provide the performance while utilizing up to 8 CPUs. This is because both the processors have the physical core essential for running the test workload (, 2016). The SMT (Surface Mount Technology) advantages of the said processors have also been compared, then results of which have been provided in the following section. The measurements that have been utilized for the purpose of comparison are: 1. SMT-off: Measuring the standard power without the SMT. The HEPSPEC06 measurements have been taken for 12 CPUs. 2. SMT-on: The standard power has been measured with the SMT. Besides this, the HEPSPEC06 measurements have been taken for 24 CPUs. It has been observed by the researchers of the CERN facility that the efficiency of the Westmere-Ep is almost 10 % more efficient than that of the Nehalem-EP (, 2016). The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments being conducted at the CERN facility require highend applications for the purpose of data analysis. In order to compare the efficiency of the said processor, the expert team conducting this particular research, made one such application, run on both of the processors (, 2016). The execution time for the computational work, as observed during the experiment, has been demonstrated below: Figure 2: Comparison between the execution time of the Westmere-Ep and the Nehalem-EP (Source:, 2016) Thus, it is evident from the discussions made in the report that the Westmere-Ep is more efficient than that of the Nehalem-EP. References,. (2016). Retrieved 2 January 2016, from,. (2016). PassMark Software - CPU Benchmark Charts. Retrieved 2 January 2016, from, D. (2016). Multicore Processor Performance Analysis - A Survey. Retrieved 2 January 2016, from,. (2016). Retrieved 2 January 2016, from,. (2016). Retrieved 2 January 2016, from,. (2016). SPEC Benchmarks. Retrieved 2 January 2016, from

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Marketing Plan Cocacola Vietnam free essay sample

It consists of examining market research, auditing situation analysis and carefully scrutinizing the soft drink industry and possibilities for Coca Cola in the market. We have carefully analyzed the internal and external business environments and critically examined the industry in general, considering all external threats and opportunities. 2. Introduction In  1886,  Coca-Cola  was first  introduced  to the public, which  attracted  the attention  of most people  who enjoy the  colorful and unique beverage. Today, the  name Coca-Cola  soft drinks  is regarded as  a symbol  of America,  not  just in America but almost  200  countries around the world. Demographic analysis Vietnams population is currently around 86 million people, an average annual increase of 947 thousand people. Vietnam is a country of many races: there are 54 ethnic groups, in which the Vietnamese are the most numerous. The Vietnamese account for about 86% of the population throughout the country and people live in the delta, while most other ethnic group living mainly in midland areas and mountainous areas. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Plan Cocacola Vietnam or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Results from a sample  survey figures showed today, Vietnam is in a period of demographic bonus, the period that the population of working age more than twice that age groups population depends. However, our country also began to enter the period of aging. In addition to the youth market factors, consumer incomes in urban Vietnam have increased significantly in recent years. In a certain extent, this will continue to affect consumer habits and lifestyles of the people of Vietnam. Large population and increasing every year, the population concentrated in the plains, and large cities, so this area is the primary market. Population structure of gold will bring opportunities for companies in the industry have been the source of child labor, skilled. 2. SWOT Analysis: Coca-Cola contains caffeine and caramel which can adverse effects on the teeth (if prolonged) which is an issue for health care. It also has got sugar by which continuous drinking of Coca-Cola may cause health problems. Being addicted to Coca-Cola also is a health problem, because drinking of Coca-Cola daily has an effect on your body after few years. . c) Opportunities: Brand recognition is an important factor in affecting Cokes competitive position. Coca-Colas brand name is known well throughout 94% of the world today. The main concern of Coca Cola Marketing Strategies has been just to improvise its system and make it even more recognizable. The bottling system of Coca Cola allows the company to take advantage of its growth opportunities. d)Threats: The main threat is Price. A small increase in price, let’s say just 1 rupee will have a drastic effect on sales. Only because people will go for the next available substitute i. e. Pepsi so price change is a major factor in affecting Sales of coca cola and in marginal profits. Coca Cola can face major losses if it goes for a sudden increase or decrease in price. 4. Market objectives Cocacola_tap maker the worlds largest fresh water it has been successful in many countries around the world so as to penetrate into Vietnam market cocacola has chosen a strategy to serve the entire market. Initially, cocacola focus on market segments that demand characteristics and population density have higher rates. In the period of market access in Vietnam based coacola respectively north (Hanoi), central Da Nang), south (Ho Chi Minh) and gradually expand to the neighboring city. After having studied the Vietnam market, cocacola identified these cities that are capable of very high consumption of their products Overall beverage market in Vietnam is considered high potential. So, that Coca Cola has begun to penetrate from 1960, and until December 2 / 1994 shall continue to come back (after the embargo on American trade. ) Estimated market will continue to grow significantly  in the coming years (2012 will increase 46% over 2007). Coca Cola assessment Vietnam will grow dramatically in the next 10 years, maybe the top 25 markets most of its potential. So make coacacola market segments primarily by geography (focus on large cities where the population density and high frequency of use) and demographic (primarily youth-type objects  demand for high). It is also a target market of cocacola. Coca-Cola only works in the field of beverages, including drinking water, drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks. The company has created a lot of drinks with flavor, different models to meet the diverse needs of customers, such as low gas Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Coke and Vanilla flavor, Coke, juice,. In recent years, the company has research and development constantly adding new products to serve consumers Vietnam Joy as bottled water, energy drink Samurai, Sunfill fruit pulp, and add more flavor  new position for the traditional products to meet the tastes and the tastes of Vietnam as Fanta Lemon, Fanta Strawberry, Lemon Soda, etc. Coca-Cola Company continues to do long-term commitment in Vietnam and innovation to meet the increasing demand in the beverage market dynamics and potential in Vietnam 5. Price strategy Cocacola product price is based on buyer perceptions of value. They see the buyers perception of value rather than the sellers cost which is an important basis for pricing. They use the cost factor prices in the marketing mix to build perceived value in the minds of buyers. Rates are set also based on the perceived value. Cocacola pricing has strategy of market penetration: unlike the high pricing strategy to refine market strategy, business valuation cocacola new products to the relatively low market penetration, in the hope that will attract  a large number of customers and gain a large market share. Discount pricing: most enterprises cocacola will adjust its prices to commercial customers who prepay, buying large quantities of cash payment discount. In other words, a discount is given to customers who buy products in bulk. The price of the product regardless of the form: according to models and the product of Cocacola items are priced differently, but the rate of stocking differs. Price may depend on product category: cocacola enterprises often produce many types of products and goods. They vary in brand, form, size, and signal power so that they are priced at different scales. Currently, the price of Coke products in the market is higher than that of same products, respectively, but the difference in price is not high. 6. Distribution The  products  Coca-Cola  are produced in  three  bottling plants  located in  Ho  Chi Minh  City, Hanoi  and Danang. In 2001,  Vietnam government  agreed to allow  three  bottling plants  merged  under  the centralized management  structure,  in which  the  Coca-Colabottling plants were built  in Vietnam . Two  bottling plants  in Hanoi and  Da  Nang  are operating  as  two branches  of  Coca-Cola  Company  in northern and in middle part of Vietnam. With  three  manufacturing plants  in the  north, central and south  enabling  companies  to expand  the distribution network  in the  area,  to provide adequate  product  for  the  subsidiaries  in  this area. For  beverage products,  the distribution  is important,  the  Pepsi  on  the Vietnamese owns more than  Coca  distributors, so  Coca  continues to  expand  distribution network through  cafes, restaurant,  and  attract  dealers  by increasing  the  support of  agents  such as accompanying gifts ,  decorating  shop  support,  financial support†¦ 7. Advertising One of the secrets for the success of Coca-cola is advertising activities. Everyone knows that the quality and taste of Coca-Cola has not changed for more than 100 years. However, they take advantage of advertising activities, marketing to build a popular brand. Coca-Cola is one of the few companies spend an amount equivalent to the cost of production to polish brand right from the start. In addition, the confidence of the Coca-cola is what makes the brand today, which is expressed in their advertising slogans. The motto such as The great national temperance beverage (1906), 6 million a day (1925), The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola itself (1942), What you want is a Coke (1952)  Coke is it (1982) and Always Coca-Cola (1993) have demonstrated ambition and confidence of the brand. Coca Cola has always invested in the advertising strategies of its products. At the retail stores and in supermarkets, Coca Cola products are always eye-catching. To obtain this privilege, Coca Cola has to pay a huge amount of money. They always take an active priority for advertising their products to people through television, newspapers, activities and games. According to media companies and market research TNS Vietnam, Coca-Cola in Vietnam has spent about U. S. $ 1. 5 million for product advertisements on television and in newspapers in 2008. The advertising of Coca really attracts the attention of people with unique ideas, creativity. New commercials of Coca came up with Mr BRRRRRRRrrrr, the Happiness Factory and most recently with ad ideas on how to celebrate the victory of the famous football star with the official song of World Cup 2010. 8. Promotion For the success of Coca-cola on the Vietnam market today, these marketers have taken advantages of communication tools. Understanding the psychology of consumers, Coca-cola is aware that promotional activities are one of the best tools to promote the image of the product to consumers. Coca-Cola Company has recently launch promotions across the country for young dynamic â€Å"Flip Win.   The difference of this program with other promotions is that they consider group rather than an individual. This spirit is reflected from a winning formula: pair of cans to bottle caps or rings to win prizes that young people are interested in . Customers purchasing the product bottles and beverage cans produced by Coca-Cola Vietnam, such as Coca-Cola, Fanta Orange, Sprite, Samurai, Thums Up will have a chance to win the attractive prize Piaggio LXV  125, mobile phone Sony Ericsson W700i, T-shirts, clocks and Coca-Cola The awards are not merely objects but also show how to use young people as well as expressing the personality style of life they enjoy. Young people drinking bottles or cans of Coca-Cola products will have bottle cap ring shaped half of the prize. If they put together 2 cans lids or two rings to make a prize sign they will win. So chances of winning will be higher if the customer are together to coordinate and collect information of luck. The use of other forms of promotion not only allows the companys sales increase, but it captures the value that the company gives its customers. This is a powerful communication tool not only for Coca-cola but most companies to grow its market share. 9. Multi-strategies Coca-Cola Vietnam often organizes interesting activities and meaningful to customers, especially for the youth. These activities create an innovative, dynamic, optimistic, happy image. These activities can enhance the relationship between Coca-Cola and consumers. One of the successful campaigns is Happiness Factory campaign: to show the world is full of passion and a bottle of Coca-Cola can inspire consumers, which are held in many creative activities. On this occasion, Coca-Cola also spent nearly a million of trial products to consumers in big cities like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho. Another one is Sing with Coca-Cola the opportunity for young people to sing and discover new talents. As one of the celebrated series of operations of the campaign is BRRRR drink Coca-Cola is being implemented nationwide contest  SUMMER BRRRR-KOOL is organized to encourage the spirit of experiencing new things in life which is full of joy and inspiration. Coca-Cola would like to bring a fresh and entirely new, unique and like no other experience to consumers. Coca-Cola campaign organization Coca-Cola There are always delicious dishes: to promote the culinary culture of Vietnam through many fun activities including reality TV program cooking competition  . Meal is an opportunity for people to gather, chat and enjoy delicious food together. A delicious meal with a fun atmosphere increases the emotional bond between family members, friends, colleagues Thus, Coca-Cola made the Coca-Cola There are always delicious dishes to promote and enrich the cultural cuisine Vietnam as well as combine food and enjoy a mix to bring your appetite and bringing people closer together. Coca-Cola has sponsored the reality TV showcooking competition: 9 am Sunday aired weekly on Channel HTV9 starting 18/10, replay at 10h20 on Saturday  HN1 channels and Friday 20h30, 10h30 Saturdays on Channel HTV3. This is not just an entertaining program, but also a knowledge of food supplements, to help you have more information to choose foods that are good for your health, know how to prepare favorite dishes, as well  as there are exciting moments with friends and family. Coca-Cola also provides professional culinary sites with useful information on Channel 14 at: http://duataiamthuc. kenh14. vn/: Here, the young participants can register and update about the cuisine compete with Coca-Cola, answer questions to win weekly prizes and share with friends about the delicious food, the specialty of each region along  addresses the national cuisine. On this occasion, Coca-Cola also provides 300,000 free trial samples at restaurants, cafes in two urban areas of Hanoi and HCMC. The program Sharing the same one the best? For Coca-Cola beginning in the people you love : send hundreds, thousands of good wishes to the people all over the country. Special programs beginning in Coca-Cola will spend the same amount of 233,420,000 corresponding to 46,684 words of love you have given the close friends during the time of the program to support community programs for Clean Water  the same. With this significant program, this years New Years clients not only share the love with coca, but also contributes to the community. Cokes new campaign inspired, especially the activities celebrating winning a complete improvisation. Fans can share the joy of victory through music, interactive events. In addition, the programs parade trophy World Cup (Coca-Cola FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour) will be the focal point in this chain of events. The message of this activity is: Together Coca-Cola Celebrate South Africa win the World Cup.   Gold Cup through the journey through 86 countries before handing the championship team in South Africa in the summer. Vietnam is the 2nd stop of the official journey around the world, after the departure earlier this month in India, 1 / 2010. Coca-Cola to bring our customers and also football fans the chance to see firsthand and take photo with the most prestigious gold trophy this planet. The activities of the festival called on fans to express the spirit of optimism and passion for football to harmony with the spirit of sports enthusiasts worldwide. With this event, fans have  opportunity to see firsthand the most prestigious gold trophy planet, also participate in recreational activities such excitement: take photo with the gold trophy, watch 3D movies on the exciting moments of  FIFA World Cup, a battle of the game exciting challenge, Coca-Cola is served free of charge and many other exciting activities. As World Cup approaching, Coca-Cola Vietnam for fans Vietnam contest Celebrate Endless fun with attractive award final. Thereby, on 15 / 3 until 31 / 5, fans will post the clip to celebrate goals penned http://www. coca-cola. zing. vn/ website. Persons with impressive clips celebrating goal have highest number of votes on this web page will be rewarded to South Africa with a capacity of 12 young football talent in The Global Football Camp Coca-Cola  South Africa 2010 in June. TV viewers will decide which 12 will face South Africa won the power to participate in The Global Football Camp Coca-Cola South Africa 2010 in June to come through the reality television program by VTV  implementation, training records images, challenges and competition of 24 applicants and broadcast on VTV3. All recruitment activities, training, and daily challenges of the children in The Global Football Camp Coca-Cola South Africa 2010 as well as in 4-day training will be focused this broadcaster  Vietnam and the recording into a 12 episode reality TV, broadcast on VTV3 each week at 7 pm, and again on Thursday next three weeks on VTV6 at 20h45 with time approximately 30 minutes per file. Over 12 episodes, outside activities and challenging training, viewers will see the story with the emotional and happy and sad memories of the children throughout the program. Team with highest number of votes from viewers during the broadcast will win South Africas capacity to participate in The Global Football Camp Coca-Cola South Africa 2010 in June to come. Through the program, they meet and exchange with brand ambassador of Coca-Cola is the field of music singer Phuong Vy. In addition, they also see the video clip celebrating goals of the players, the team known for creating a way to celebrate the unique goals of the individual and the team. In four days of training under the guidance of coach Trieu Quang Ha, professional groups and two representatives of VFF brand ambassador of the sport in the Coca-Cola is the national players and the football players of Binh Duong club player Philani South African, 24 children were divided into two teams (each team 12 children) to be trained in basic professional football, pass the loopchallenge and compete directly antagonistic. Conclusions After completing our project we have come up with following recommendations for the Coca Cola Company, which are following: †¢ So the Coca-Cola Company should think about bringing innovations in their products for example new diet flavors or maybe more juices so as to fulfill the need of local market. †¢ Marketing team should try to increase the availability of Coke in rural areas. †¢ Coca Cola Company should think about producing Coke Can locally. Because currently coke Cans are only smuggled from abroad and sold at high prices. The Coca Cola Company can capitalize on this factor.

Monday, November 25, 2019

She essays

She essays Acceptance. Love. Arent these two words feelings everyone longs for? No matter what age you are, everyone wants to be accepted and loved. Acceptance is especially important to teenagers. The ability to fit in and be like everyone else. It hurts to see the fingers pointing or hear the mocking laughs behind your back. In the novel Shes Come Undone by Wally Lamb, a young girl named Dolores goes through numerous hardships using food and anger as her shoulder to lean on. However, through all the tragedies, all the taunting, all the problems, Dolores comes out triumphant and happy. If you think no one could understand the cruelties of being overweight, of going through hard times, then you havent met Miss Dolores Price. Mr. Pucci was Doloress school counselor while shes in high school at St. Anthonys. Mr. Pucci was there for Dolores whenever she needs him and puts up with her foul-mouthed language and attitude. He was there through all the usual high school dilemmas, after her mother and fathers divorce, through the months her mother is at a mental facility, through her mothers, grandmothers, and fathers death, and her painful divorce from her first husband, Dante. Mr. Pucci was always uplifting to Doloress hurting spirit. He pushed her to achieve more, make dreams for herself, and then carry those dreams out. Dolores was able to return the favors to an extent once she reached her twenties, after her grandmother died. Mr. Puccis better half, Gary passed away due to AIDS, but had passed the HIV virus to Mr. Pucci. Dolores proved to be nothing less and nothing more than a sturdy rock for Mr. Pucci to lean on. They both healed each other through the time they had together. Since Dolores is the narrator, you are in her thoughts, you hear what she hears and see what she sees. It feels you could point Dolores out if you saw her walking down the stree...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Audiovisual Cues in Bilingual Language Acquisition

Audiovisual Cues in Bilingual Language Acquisition Article title: Bilingualism modulates infants’ selective attention to the mouth of a talking face Authors: Pons, F., Bosch, L., Weikum et al., 2007). Significant research has been conducted to explore the auditory domain of bilingual language acquisition and there is strong evidence that both bilinguals and monolinguals rely on redundant audiovisual speech (Rosenblum, 2008; Stein, 2012; Sebastià ¡n-Gallà ©s et al., 2012). However, this paper seeks to understand the importance of audiovisual cues as a mechanism that bilingual infants utilize during complex language processing in comparison to monolingual infants. METHODS (234 words) To test these predictions they conducted two experiments each on infants whose native languages were Spanish/Catalan. The goal of the first experiment was to extend the findings of previous studies about monolingual, native English speaking, infants’ use of audiovisual speech cues to infants whose native languages are eithe r Spanish or Catalan. Sixty monolingual infants (with native languages of either Spanish or Catalan) participated in this experiment and formed three groups: 4, 8 and 12 month-old infants with 20 participants in each group. Stimuli, 45-second videos of one of two female actors speaking a monologue in English or Spanish/Catalan, were presented on a computer screen in front of the infant. Each infant watched one video of a monologue in their native language and a second video of a monologue in English. Throughout the procedure, an eye-tracker was utilized to enable researchers to collect data about their attention to two areas of interest (AOI), the speaker’s mouth and eyes. The second experiment investigated how bilingual infants’ selective attention to these AOI changes and develops in their first year of life. 63 Spanish-Catalan bilingual infants (once again divided into groups of 4, 8 and 12-month-olds) were presented with the same stimuli as in the first experimen t and researchers tracked their eye movements to AOI. They conducted a Mann-Whitney test to compare the vocabularies of the monolingual and bilingual infants and found no significant difference between their lexica. DISCUSSION (399 words) The results from the first experiment successfully extended the findings of Lewkowicz and Hansen Tift’s (2012) study to monolingual speakers in Spain of Catalan or Spanish. They saw the same developmental trends with language acquisition and attention to AOI with this group of infants: when presented with both native and non-native audiovisual stimuli 4-month-old infants spent more time attending to the eyes of the speaker and 8-month-old infants spend more time attending to the mouth of the speaker. When presented with stimuli in their native language, the 12-month-old infants spent equal time looking at the mouth and eyes but with stimuli in their non-native language they spent more time looking at the mouth than the eyes. One of th e most intriguing comparisons explores the differences between the monolingual and bilingual infants’ developmental pattern of attention during audiovisual stimuli presentation (comparing Experiment 1 and 2). They found the biggest differences at 4-months and 12-months. 4-month-old bilingual infants attended equally to the mouth and eyes while the 4-month-old monolinguals spent more time attending to the eyes. 12-month-old bilingual infants spent more time attending to the mouth in both native and non-native language presentation while the monolinguals attended more to the mouth only in non-native trials. On average the bilingual infants spent more time attending to the mouth of the speaker than monolinguals at their same age. These findings support evidence that audio input is not the sole contributor to language acquisition and differentiation. Visual cues are crucial in understanding and interpreting speech because there is not a 1:1 relationship between speech signals a nd meaning; we must use hermeneutics and external cues to make sense of language. The McGurk Effect demonstrates this idea: when just using audio input a person hears â€Å"ba, ba† but when provided with audiovisual stimulus, a person hears â€Å"da da† as a result of hearing â€Å"ba, ba† but seeing the mouth produce â€Å"ga ga.† These early studies illustrate the importance of visual input but do not explore how this reliance on external cues during development is different for bilinguals. This paper offers fascinating evidence that shows how monolingual and bilingual infants rely on audiovisual input to acquire, perceive and comprehend language. Research still must explore how these effects continue after 12 months old, once native and non-native language systems are more defined: do bilingual young adults still look more at the mouth than the eyes of a speaker? REFERENCES Bijeljac-Babic, R., Serres, J., Hà ¶hle, B., & Nazzi, T. (2012). Effect of bilingualism on lexical stress pattern discrimination in French-learning infants. PLoS ONE , 7 (2), e30843.       Bosch, L., & Sebastià ¡n-Gallà ©s, N. (2001b). Evidence of early language discrimination abilities in infants from bilingual environments. Infancy , 2 , 29-49. Lewkowicz, D. J., & Hansen-Tift, A. M. (2012). Infants deploy selective attention to the mouth of a talking face when learning speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA , 109 , 1431-1436. Oller, D. K., Eilers, R. E., Urbano, R., & Cobo-Lewis, A. B. (1997). Development of precursors to speech in infants exposed to two languages. Journal of Child Language , 24 , 407-426. Pons, F., Bosch, L., & Lewkowicz, D.J. (2014). Bilingualism modulates infants’ selective attention to the mouth of a talking face. Psychological Science , 26.4, 490-498. Rosenblum, L. D. (2008). Speech perception as a multimodal phenomenon. Current Directions in Psychological Science , 17 , 405-409. Stein, B. E. (2012). The new handbook of multisensory process- ing . Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Weikum, W. M., Vouloumanos, A., Navarra, J., Soto-Faraco, S., Sebastià ¡n-Gallà ©s, N., & Werker, J. F. (2007). Visual lan- guage discrimination in infancy. Science , 316 , 1159.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Behavior Change amd the Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Behavior Change amd the Environment - Essay Example ..† Personally, I consider this idea as an expression of Pollan’s sense of responsibility toward the environment that primarily focuses on individual, conscientious action toward environmental welfare. This is because, throughout the article, Pollan provides suggestions on how to reduce one’s carbon footprints such as having a garden in the backyard. Pollan also suggests, in the later part of the article, that behavioral change for environmental welfare is an expression of independence, â€Å"to find ways to provide ourselves without diminishing the world† (255). Pollan also argues that although behavioral change may seem a futile effort, it is still a viable solution to the problem and this idea is grounded on the â€Å"chain reaction of behavioral change† wherein the action of a single person encourages other people to do the same. In Greed in the Name of Green, Hesse asserts that â€Å"going green† is not merely buying organic products; rat her, it is reducing the consumption of environmentally hazardous products. Throughout the article, Hesse maintains a sarcastic tone because she humorously criticizes the buying patterns of the consumers without them realizing the actual reason of doing such change. In the article, Hesse cites several instances wherein consumers change their buying patterns with the belief that those changes are environmentally beneficial. However, in retrospect, behavioral change is commonly undergone because â€Å"going green† has become a trend. Relatively, Hesse concludes that â€Å"when wannabe environmentalist tries to change purchasing habits without also altering their consumer mind-set, something gets lost in translation† (248). While reading the two articles, I realized that it is really necessary to evaluate our behaviors as consumers, particularly in relation to environmental welfare and protection. Although I realize that behavioral change may seem insufficient in recoverin g the deteriorating resources of the Earth, I would still go with the idea that behavior modification is a viable solution to the existing environmental problems. This is because behavioral change is a reasonable initiative to do, and it also benefits both the environment and the consumers. The Merits of Bothering to Change Consumer Behavior In the article Behavioral Analysis and Environmental Protection, Lehman and Geller assert that the lack of environmental concern and the increasing prevalence of non-eco-friendly products and services account to the destruction of the environment (14). Specifically, the materials used and the manner of production and transportation cause the increase in the carbon dioxide concentration of the Earth, which, in turn, increases the temperature by .6 degrees Celsius in the past 150 years. Lehman and Geller also report that the death of 800,000 people annually is attributable to air pollution (15). Considering this case, Lehman and Geller suggest tha t if human behavior is the reason of the increasing environmental deterioration, it may also be the reason for environmental recovery (13). The emergence of natural calamities and extreme weather conditions is enough reason to encourage people to change their buying behaviors and make environmentally conscious decisions. While reading the articles by Hesse and Pollan, I was able to derive three benefits of behavioral change for environmental welfare. Specifically, behavioral change

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Calories restriction and health in medical improvement Thesis

Calories restriction and health in medical improvement - Thesis Example Fasting prior to chemotherapy enhances the effect of the chemotherapeutic agent on the tumour and reduces the toxic side effects of the chemotherapeutic agent on the patient. However, before this benefit of calorie restriction could be used in human beings more studies are require to reinforce the findings of the twin benefits of calorie restriction. 1. Introduction 1.1. Calories Restriction Over the last seven decades evidence from insect and animal studies has pointed to the restriction of calorie intake resulting in increase in life span. These findings have led to interest developing for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of calorie restriction that bestow the health directed benefits and translating these benefits to human beings, as a means of overcoming life threatening diseases and conditions for better quality of life and increase in life spans (Koubova & Gurante, 2003). ... od pressure are considered to be biomarkers for aging, since there is a correlation between these markers and those diseases normally associated with advancing age or ageing itself. Calorie restriction studies in animals has shown to reduce these biomarkers associated with aging and hence the holding out of the promise for the use of calorie restriction with the therapeutic potential to improve the treatment of diseases and conditions associated with aging to increase life span in humans (Brown, 2008). The modern interest in calorie restriction can be traced back to 1930s and the research of the nutritionist Clive McKay. McKay and his team conducting cancer research discovered that severe calorie restriction up to 60% ad Librium levels resulted in a measurable increase in life span in rats. This interesting finding remained in cold storage for nearly three decades, as the findings were not found to be relevant to cancer research as such. Michael Ross took up this thread of investigat ion in the 1960s using Sprague-Dawley rats, to study the incidence of tumours and its age relation. The results of increased life span in rats caused by calorie restriction sparked interest among gerontologists and gerontology research. In the 1970s two groups of research investigation on calorie started, one under Roy Walford at UCLA and the other led by Edward Masoro and B.P. Yu at the University of Texas (Sprott & Austad, 2006). Walford and his team, with particular emphasis on Richard Weindruch focused on the impact of calories restriction on different models that ranged from mice to rhesus monkeys to humans. Some of these investigations continue even today and has led to general acceptance that calorie restriction has turned to be the only intervention that results in life span

Saturday, November 16, 2019

YOLO Tumblr Essay Example for Free

YOLO Tumblr Essay Roof party blog hella semiotics, trust fund YOLO Tumblr twee swag next level wayfarers tote bag. Mustache artisan asymmetrical mlkshk, church-key art party direct trade DIY Schlitz freegan. Occupy sartorial wolf polaroid, DIY farm-to-table fashion axe YOLO Godard. Actually pug semiotics vegan VHS wolf. Intelligentsia chia fixie direct trade keffiyeh. Gluten-free umami meggings, freegan literally pug Williamsburg beard lomo lo-fi. PBRB jean shorts Echo Park, whatever direct trade flannel letterpress Austin chambray squid fanny pack sustainable scenester biodiesel. Fanny pack flexitarian Intelligentsia, banh mi asymmetrical tousled jean shorts Brooklyn put a bird on it photo booth you probably havent heard of them forage Vice American Apparel. Four loko post-ironic beard cliche High Life Portland distillery, gluten-free squid. Ethnic disrupt pork belly, authentic Echo Park Neutra umami freegan Portland fap four loko try-hard iPhone food truck letterpress. Salvia bespoke occupy church-key. Salvia pickled Echo Park Schlitz ethical +1 letterpress, post-ironic Austin 8-bit mlkshk Blue Bottle fingerstache. Flexitarian bicycle rights Pinterest farm-to-table DIY, fap next level put a bird on it selvage photo booth iPhone. Sartorial blog asymmetrical, messenger bag pour-over master cleanse literally brunch you probably havent heard of them. Four loko Godard 90s organic, Odd Future Tumblr fanny pack cray put a bird on it Austin Thundercats ethnic. +1 beard High Life, food truck ethical Truffaut narwhal tote bag tryhard cornhole 8-bit chambray blog. Pour-over 8-bit mlkshk XOXO Schlitz art party. Ethnic Neutra selfies, swag slow-carb kogi before they sold out blog chillwave Tonx. Literally normcore 90s, fap tattooed Portland umami Pinterest ethnic. Quinoa single-origin coffee kale chips Etsy. Carles Tonx master cleanse, flannel cred vegan chia single-origin coffee dreamcatcher sartorial try-hard. DIY chillwave Bushwick ugh gastropub, hoodie food truck bicycle rights pop-up ennui beard cornhole. Normcore readymade dreamcatcher Marfa. Locavore plaid biodiesel organic, Intelligentsia occupy High Life. Kogi fanny pack try-hard, ethical Williamsburg occupy fingerstache hashtag. Post-ironic leggings Brooklyn typewriter. Church-key pickled butcher vinyl, ethnic banh mi paleo shabby chic cornhole wayfarers Pitchfork. Portland tofu High Life,  twee selfies four loko gluten-free post-ironic VHS sartorial vinyl normcore   retro cray. Organic roof party next level Truffaut, mumblecore cliche street art Carles meggings cornhole Cosby sweater Tumblr VHS. Hoodie fingerstache Odd Future cred keffiyeh, plaid salvia kogi meggings trust fund street art flexitarian seitan. Seitan ugh before they sold out swag. Vinyl slow-carb raw denim, flannel vegan locavore VHS single-origin coffee typewriter dreamcatcher ennui. Pickled hoodie drinking vinegar 3 wolf moon, PBRB craft beer chambray paleo American Apparel lo-fi swag. Yr flannel Bushwick Blue Bottle viral put a bird on it. Drinking vinegar Shoreditch pickled direct trade gastropub, stumptown chia Bushwick. Seitan stumptown trust fund retro PBRB. Mustache Vice cliche raw denim, normcore mixtape direct trade McSweeneys. 90s chia craft beer gastropub ugh chillwave. Yr you probably havent heard of them direct trade, 8-bit flexitarian Bushwick Pinterest fashion axe sriracha cliche. Slow-carb distillery lo-fi keytar, Etsy umami put a bird on it XOXO Truffaut vinyl Wes Anderson gastropub. Occupy paleo Carles Pinterest. Tousled Carles jean shorts twee bicycle rights kitsch blog Tumblr. Food truck chillwave fingerstache, PBRB +1 wayfarers iPhone disrupt Helvetica Tonx. Single-origin coffee gluten-free aesthetic Pinterest. Actually asymmetrical umami ugh sartorial, bitters normcore. Mlkshk street art messenger bag readymade stumptown. Blue Bottle jean shorts small batch Odd Future, umami mumblecore wayfarers trust fund aesthetic irony Cosby sweater leggings. Distillery ethical viral, fixie scenester normcore 3 wolf moon Etsy Odd Future keytar wayfarers McSweeneys organic. Church-key mumblecore aesthetic, American Apparel food truck 3 wolf moon hashtag banjo tote bag. Keytar disrupt next level, art party trust fund roof party semiotics pop-up. Fashion axe cardigan Marfa fixie hashtag Odd Future, viral Carles. Actually gastropub flexitarian, messenger bag Pitchfork High Life Godard kale chips semiotics +1 cray. Etsy Brooklyn Portland +1 retro. IPhone McSweeneys  pop-up Marfa quinoa mlkshk. Banjo ethnic pug, craft beer yr swag seitan try-hard irony synth. Bitters normcore 8-bit, tofu photo booth before they sold out banjo meggings banh mi viral McSweeneys pug mlkshk Pitchfork. Sriracha salvia lo-fi, occupy farm-to-table retro tofu mustache 3 wolf moon ethnic meggings cardigan Tonx shabby chic DIY. Forage pop-up mustache, meggings next level 3 wolf moon kale chips banh mi photo booth selfies actually dreamcatcher kogi McSweeneys fap. Cray bespoke bicycle rights pork belly letterpress readymade. XOXO chambray beard occupy. Thundercats PBR typewriter put a bird on it YOLO polaroid. Banjo keffiyeh viral XOXO, small batch bitters Tonx cray sriracha. Vice tofu letterpress Shoreditch gluten-free kale chips Cosby sweater, beard bespoke banh mi PBR readymade sriracha. Artisan trust fund High Life hella, mumblecore banh mi sriracha four loko ethical disrupt typewriter literally Echo Park. Bespoke authentic chambray wolf selvage, chillwave deep v +1 normcore actually banh mi mixtape cred disrupt. Church-key fixie chillwave Wes Anderson aesthetic authentic keytar, artisan selfies pug fashion axe. Beard McSweeneys direct trade butcher 3 wolf moon. Gluten-free yr paleo semiotics, chillwave twee Truffaut Marfa keffiyeh squid pickled. Drinking vinegar selvage keffiyeh selfies gentrify. PBR church-key Thundercats, paleo four loko bicycle rights kale chips mixtape 3 wolf moon Tumblr Etsy bitters whatever Pitchfork pork belly.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Information System Essay -- essays research papers fc

1. Introduction It is generally accepted that information is a vital commodity for the successful operation of today’s organizations. Nowadays modern business organizations are using computerized information systems in order to obtain such information. However as the technology advances rapidly the main issue is how can an organization should effectively use such an information system - which its management sometimes can be unpredictable - in order to effectively help the whole organization structure to improve and take the most out of it. This report will try to analyze intranet and its impact on the use of information in organizations, as well as what actions an organization might take to make the most effective use of it. 2. What is intranet? A lot of definitions have been given about the meaning of intranet. Non-technical management define it as â€Å"anything that runs on the internal network†, while software engineers (developers) define it as â€Å"a client-server application developed using Web tools that runs in an internal network† - - Initially the intranet was used fundamentally for sharing information such as policies, procedures and forms. However, the next intranet generation creates a collaborative medium that provides users quick, comprehensive access to everything their jobs require – files, programs, and people, both inside and outside the organization – while capturing and managing each person’s work so that others in turn can find and use it. Fundamentally the most basic intranet applications in use today - - are: -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Deliver internal BBS – and corporate – information sources, such as phone directories, HR databases, forms, and discussion threads. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Offer a foundation for moving information among offices and departments, whether around the corner at the same site, or across sites on a private internet. -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Support day to day business functions, such as sales tracking, order processing, delivery status, etc. 3. Technology surrounding intranet Network infrastructure: Network connections on every desktop. Hardware platforms: This is usually based on the existing platform used in the organization. For example, an NT-based organization will probably select a server with an Intel Processor while a Sun Micro system Inc shop will pro... ...ions such as: why an intranet is a crucial tool for geographically – scattered groups, how to change user behavior and increase intranet usage, what security issues do appear when implementing intranet systems and what can be done. At the end the reports examines the socio-technical approach, which approach connects four aspects (people, organization, technology, tasks) and examines their inter relationship when implementing information systems to organizations. At the end of the report the writer comes out with his conclusions and recommendations. Bibliography - References -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  H.D.Clifton & A.G. Sutcliffe (1994), Business Information Systems, – 5th edition – -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  G. Curtis (1995), Business Information Systems, – 2nd edition – -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  T.H. Davenport (1997), Information Ecology, – 1st edition – -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ -  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emerald, electronic database library

Monday, November 11, 2019

Smells Like Fifth Symphony: A Dissertation On The Works Of Cobain And Beethoven

Musical legends Kurt Cobain and Ludwig Van Beethoven may have lived in different timelines, played different kinds of music and had different musical influences but their passion and the workmanship that they have rendered to perfect their craft is so commendable that their masterpieces are still considered as one of the pillars of the music industry of today. Kurt Cobain as Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967. On the other hand, Ludwig Van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770. Both of them had families that had musical backgrounds, Cobain’s maternal uncle Chuck Fradenburg starred in a band called â€Å"The Beachcombers† while his Aunt Mari Earle played guitar and performed in bands throughout Grays Harbor County, and his great-uncle Delbert had a career as an Irish tenor; making an appearance in the 1930 film King of Jazz . On the other hand, Beethoven was a grandson of a musician named Lodewijk van Beethoven where he was named after as Lodewijk which was the Dutch cognate of Ludwig. His grandfather was employed as a bass singer at the court of the Elector of Cologne, rising to become Kapellmeister (music director). Moreover, his grandfather had one son, Johann van Beethoven who worked as a tenor in the same musical establishment, was also giving lessons on piano and violin for additional income . With those musical genes encrypted in their DNA, it was no wonder that both of them made a mark in the music industry with their compositions. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and Kurt Cobain’s Smells like Teen Spirit both catapulted them to superstar’s status and fame to say the least. Even though the compositions of the two musical geniuses were 183 years apart, Smells like Teen Spirit was released on 1991 while Fifth Symphony was released on 1808, both had changed the way the music should be played in their various eras. The song â€Å"Smells like Teen Spirit† talked about teenage angst and not following the guidelines that the adults expect the teenagers to be. It was sort of a revolutionary anthem among teenagers at that time . On the contrary, experts believed that Beethoven’s â€Å"Fifth Symphony† was about fate knocking at the door or at the gate . Among the other differences of the two pieces was the key of the song, Teen Spirit was written in the key of F minor while Fifth Symphony was written in C minor. Furthermore, instrumentation was one of the major differences among the two pieces; Fifth Symphony used flutes, clarinets, horns among others while Teen Spirit used heavy guitar distortions and drums. However, tempo was one of the resemblances of the two compositions. They both had transition between slow notes and faster notes and vice versa. Furthermore, they also had distinctive notes played mostly throughout the song. One thing that could really connect the two musical geniuses was that Cobain loved to focus on the melodies of the songs and not the lyrics. Cobain said, why in the hell do journalists insist on coming up with a second-rate Freudian evaluation of my lyrics, when 90 percent of the time they've transcribed them incorrectly? With that kind of mentality, given the chance, Cobain’s musical idea could have worked well with the idea of Beethoven. It would like the mash-up between the classical music and rock music. For sure, the music industry would never be the same again.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Homeland Security Essay

1. Who should be responsible for protecting the public from online identity theft? Why? There is no real answer to this question. Except In my opinion the government should be responsible from protecting the public from online identity theft. I say this because there are certain things that should be monitored. Not the social websites or websites you go into and play games. The government should monitor when people go to certain websites such as Bank of America or Wells Fargo. These websites should be monitored (no more such as when you login you can see your username and password no) they should be monitored in a way to where your bank statements can be kept on track from day to day. 2. Should laws be changed to stop it, or should consumers change behavior? Consumers should change their behavior from time to time if needed be. There are laws that have stopped Identity theft. One of which is The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. This law makes it illegal for anyone to distribute or computer code or place it in the stream of commerce. There are many other different laws on Identity theft. Some of which are on a website. 3. What is an appropriate punishment for identity thieves? Considering the expense and problems associated with the crime, it should be addressed as a on less than a felony offense, regardless of the monetary amount of money or goods involved. 4. Given the international nature of the internet, how should foreign identity thieves be handled? There really is no way to handle foreign identity thieves unless they are caught by the police or government first. If by chance they were to be caught, it should be addressed as a felony offense given the fact that they logged into someone’s personal information, which should account on Substantive Due Process. Which is the right to privacy.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Consumer Behavior †Marketing Research Paper

Consumer Behavior – Marketing Research Paper Free Online Research Papers Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Paper For marketers the term â€Å"aesthetics† relate to consumers five senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste, and smell in response to an object. Marketers to incorporate pleasing attributes to differentiate their product and to feed into consumer’s emotions when making purchasing decisions use these five elements. Vision is the most important one of these senses because marketers know a consumer’s visual perception is the first introduction and this can highly influence whether a consumer will even consider the purchase of the product. This includes color, shape, pattern, movement and scale of the product. The next sense is hearing, in some cases this is very important in product decision-making especially in the electronic industry. Touch, taste, and smell is usually in the food industry. In the food industry this will make a large impact on their product. It doesn’t matter how good something might smell if it does not taste good consumers are not willing to purchase the product no matter what the cost. Marketer must find out what their consumers are looking for when they are in the first stages of development to determine which senses are they going to emphasize to their potential consumers. Finding the right elements will determine how a company will market their product to ensure that the consumers will be drawn in to at least try their product. For example for a company that puts out potato chips the marketers would probably want to convey that their product is visual pleasing by having them the right oval shape with the right amount of seasoning, hearing the chip crunch, the chip feels crispy, it has a great taste with the right amount of ingredients, and it smells pleasant. This example uses all of the senses to attract to consumers of potato chip buyer and marketers must use all of this to set their product above their competitors who are using the same technique. Marketers must also find consumers opinions on products so they can find out how they are going to influence consumers by assocating attributes that will affect their purchasing behavior. In Luc Ferry’s article â€Å"The Origins of Aesthetics†, he argues that as humans we have evolved to appreciate and demand more than basic design but a more sophisticated one as he states â€Å"aesthetics proper is a recent discipline, born of a real revolution in our perception of the phenomenon of beauty†. Visual aesthetics has a huge impact on marketers and the consumers. Marketers know that the first thing a consumer reacts to is the visual of a product. This first introduction can either offend the consumer or it could lead to a connection with that potential buyer for that product. No matter what class that potential consumer belongs to that person judgment will make a large impact whether that person will make that initial purchase. This measure of purchasing decision rides hard on marketers, as â€Å"it is important to understand and measure these individual differences relating to design for several reasons First, individual differences in responsiv eness to visual aesthetics may underlie a number of other well-established consumer behavior variables such as product involvement, brand loyalty, materialism, innovativeness, self image congruence, choice, and usage behavior†(Bloch; Brunel; Arnold). These implications for product design can decide whether which product aesthetics are assessed and used in making a purchase decision. This is also why marketers have done so much to differentiate products from existing competitors because this can be the difference between thousands in sales to millions. An example of ongoing aesthetic design is promenant in the car design manufacturers and portable devices such as cell phones and electronics. Car manufactures have taken product design to a very important part of deign as it states, â€Å"While manufacturing costs always decline with the use of commonality, the firm’s overall profits may decline because of reduced differentiation.† (Desai, Kekre, Radhakrishnan, Srinivasan) Portable electronics such as cell phones, digital camera, and computer notebooks are just the number of items that have to stay on top of product differentiation to stay on top of the growing market. As consumers get more sophisticated they want more from these devices from new functions to new sleek designs. Cell phones companies such as Nokia, which started out with just a black plastic bag of a phone that served one purpose to provide the user with phone mobility in the early 1990s. Now Nokia and other cellular phone companies offer continuo us functions and attributes such as cameras and text messaging for their customers â€Å"recognizing that, system makers are constantly searching for innovative ways to make their products stand out in the market†. (Tarnowski) Research Papers on Consumer Behavior - Marketing Research PaperMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanGenetic EngineeringDefinition of Export QuotasAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaOpen Architechture a white paperIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesThe Spring and Autumn

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Board of Directors of an English company which embarks on direct Essay

The Board of Directors of an English company which embarks on direct investment in a foreign country must contend with the problems of introducing property and - Essay Example Therefore, the liquid soap market seems to have a good fortune in Thailand due to the good number of Thai population, GDP growth, inflation rate and growth rate of soap in Thai market. Accantia Health and Beauty Ltd. is a dynamic, "can do" company, which produces skincare and healthcare products. All head offices functions are based at Alum Rock, Birmingham. Accantia has subsidiaries in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The company formed as a result of a leveraged buys out of the consumer business from Smith and Nephew Plc. There are many skin care and skin care product under the Accantia Company, which is Lil-lets, Simple, Simple Skin Define, Cidal, Wrights and retail brands. The highly successful brand of the Accantia Company is Simple, Cidal and Wrights. Our report will emphasize on Simple liquid soap, which is a good quality product at a reasonable price. There are many product lines under Simple brand, which are skin care, oil control, sun care, toiletries, and soap skin defense. As the diagram illustrate above, Thailand GDP continued to increase in 2001-2003 from around $115 to $135, which demonstrates economic recovery in Thailand. Moreover, the goal of Prime Minister Taksin is developing the consumer finance to stimulate spending of the citizens by easy access to cheap credit and mortgage. Private consumption expanded 5.0 percent each year in the third quarter of 2002. In 2002, Thailand is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia, apart from Vietnam and China. The household debt stands at only 17 percent of GDP and 27 percent of disposal income, compare to household debt in South Korea of 69 percent of GDP and 105 percent of disposal income. Having a growing economy would be important for new products to be successful in Thailand. It means there will be a higher flow of money in the economy. 1.2 Inflation Rate Source: Inflation rate in Thailand was decreased between 1997 and 2001 from the highest 8.1% to 1.6%. However, it was estimated that the inflation rate would continue to decrease in year 2003, because it was decreased over 4 years. Furthermore, the forecast indicate that it would remain decreasing for a few years except Thailand is challenged with another economic crisis. Presently, the economy is recovering because of the government policy of keeping the inflation rate low to stimulate the customers' spending. 1.3 Growth in liquid soap market Procter & Gamble (Thailand) Ltd, the local unit of the US-based consumer-product maker, said yesterday that it plans to invest a further Bt5.9 billion to make Thailand its largest production centre in Asia. This company has seen

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Choose one of the theorists of power discussed in Week 3, and discuss Essay

Choose one of the theorists of power discussed in Week 3, and discuss the extent to which their ideas are relevant to understand the distribution and exercise o - Essay Example Going further it is very clear from the review of the literature that these thinkers were influenced by the events that shaped their world and also by the contribution of the previous generation of philosophers. Thus it is important to remember that their views can be only understood in the context of these experiences. Since, there is a progressive development in their ideas as time progresses, there is no point of comparison. Yet if one is asked to choose which among them is more relevant to understanding the present system of governance or the various leadership models found in the modern world, then there must be no hesitation to choose the classical theorist Max Weber. The following reasons supports this view. Using these three questions as guidelines, it would be beneficial to have an overview of the different theories by the other philosophers to provide a point of comparison. By looking at their respective historical we see a linear development from Medieval period up to the more recent era. Max Weber continued writing even up to the 20th century and undoubtedly his ideas were shaped by the leapfrogging developments in politics and social sciences at the turn of the century. Contrast Webers background and experiences to Niccolo Machiavelli who lived in a period commonly known as the Dark Ages. This is a time before the Reformation, Renaissance and age of scientific progress. His magnum opus, a book entitled The Prince was written in 1515 AD, in the midst of a society where despots and authoritarian rulers are a norm (Wheeler, 2006, par.3, â€Å"The Prince†). Thomas Hobbes on the other hand was born a mere century after Machiavelli and his theory of power was based on the understanding of a world ruled by kings, queens and popes. His ideas supported the necessity of a monarchical government and even assert that order can be attained by following this type of rule. Hobbes was forced to support monarchy only